Tuesday 1 May 2012

Are green homes a good invesment? | 1-855-wanna-reno.?

www.1855wannareno.com .....Lets help our planet!

According to a green home poll last year by TD Canada Trust, 72 per cent of Canadians are willing to pay more for a house or condo with environmentally friendly features. That statistic would seem to contradict the findings of the Leger poll. But take a closer look: Of these big spenders, more than three-quarters (77 per cent) are primarily motivated by savings on energy bills, with only 42 per cent appreciating the reduction of environmental impact. Green homes aren't necessarily selling to environmentalists; they're selling to the financially savvy.

As for the issue of availability, that one will resolve itself over time. Government standards are rising, builders are becoming more astute and consumers are gradually learning to view the initial premium as an investment. Eventually, purchasing an energy-efficient home will seem as natural as tossing an empty soup can into the recycling bin.

These days, with so many builders touting themselves as green, they can begin to blur together in the eyes of buyers. When a builder markets his homes as environmentally friendly because they feature water-saving toilets and high-efficiency gas furnaces, that's a problem: You'd be hard-pressed to find a new home without these features.

Given the choice of a home that meets minimum governmental requirements for environmental considerations and another that exceeds them, all other things being equal, most of us will choose the green home and feel good about it.

But the reality is that all other things aren't equal. If the greener home means more money at the outset, which it sometimes does, it might mean sacrificing square footage or high-end finishes. (or am i wrong?)

We know about all these green ideas but if  they don't have a development in our preferred location, chances are we'll move along to someone who does.

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