Wednesday 25 April 2012

Solar energy....your next energy source

The sun has been producing vast amounts of power through nuclear fusion. This is the process by which four hydrogen atoms combine to produce one helium atom. This is the mechanism that the sun uses to generate its energy
The amount of energy from the sun that reaches the Earth is vast. All the energy that can be produced by the non-renewable reserves of the world like petroleum, coal, and natural gas is equaled by just twenty days of sunshine.
Although it disappears at night, it will surely be present the next day to provide more energy. It provides so much energy; in fact, the amount of sunlight that reaches the surface of the Earth in one hour is enough to meet the world's demand for energy for a whole year. Also, a 20 days' supply of sunshine is enough to match the world's reserves of conventional energy. And harnessing its energy for human use does not involve processes that emit harmful gases, unlike processes involved in producing energy from natural gas, coal, and oil.
 The benefits of using solar energy do not just end in the fact that it is free, reliable, clean, and renewable. Using it can protect much of our natural resources as well as preserve ecosystems that would otherwise be drilled and destroyed to collect oil or mine coal.
In fact, just a 1-kilowatt solar energy system that generates about 150 kilowatt hours of energy per month has tremendous potential to promote environmental sustainability. Such a system keeps about 170 pounds of coal from being burned, approximately 300 pounds of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the environment, and over 560 liters of water from being wasted per month. It also keeps sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide from being released into the atmosphere.

We can help our planet.! Its your decision.....go green, invest in renewable technology | go green with us !

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